Book review presentation for the Junior group
In a scrap book provide the following details.
1. Paste the list of books you received from the Library.
2. For each criteria for a book give the name and author of that
particular book.
3. Make an alphabetical listing of all the books you have read.
a. Write book reviews for the 5 Books of yor choice.[5]
b. Make a photo album for another 10 books of your choice.[15]
c. Take an interview of your favourite charachter of your favourite book among the
50 books.[16]
d. Write the title of books down the side of the paper. For each
letter in the title, construct a sentence that begins with that letter and that tells
some thing significant about the story.[20]
e. Create a series of six drawings in six squares that shows a significant event in
the novel. Under each picture or cartoon, write a few line of explanation.[25]
f. Write the title of the book in the center of paper. Think in terms of the theme,
setting,plot line, as well as characters. Try to get fifty such words, phrases, or
sentences so the whole sheet of paper will be covered. .[30]
g. Write a letter to the author of a book discussing about the important events and
characters of that book[35]
h. Draw a scene - Think of an important scene and draw it the way you see it.
Place the characters in the scene too and then figure out where you were in
relation to the characters when you read the book. [40]
i. Write a short essay about one of the characters of 5 books you have read[45]
j. Create the family history of one of the main characters in 3 of the books .What
major events affected the family? How were such things as holidays and
birthdays celebrated? What is important to this family? etc.[48]
k. Write a small poem on the remaining 2 books.[50]
Book review presentation for the Senior group
In a scrap book provide the following details.
1. Paste the list of books you received from the Library.
2. For each criteria for a book give the name and author of that
particular book.
3. Make an alphabetical listing of all the books you have read.
a. Make a single power-point presentation for 10 books of your choice.[10]
b. Write an short note about any 5 books.[15]
c. Make a photo Album for any 2 books.[17]
d. Create a letter exchange between a character and the author to make it clear
that the character learned about himself, others, and life.[20]
e. Select a character and then choose five books for character from the school
library thinking about what he or she might like and also what you think they
need to know more about. Write the details of the books.[23]
f. Write like an opinion column on the editorial page of the newspaper. Choose a
theme or topic from the novel you just read and write the column from the point
of view of one of the characters. [25]
g. Draw a scene - Think of an important scene and draw it the way you see it.
Place the characters in the scene too and then figure out where you were in
relation to the characters when you read the book. [27]
h. Create a character’s room - what they keep in their tables, what they have on
their walls, what they select to put in a room. Select a character you know well
and create a living room, bedroom, kitchen etc. which would mean a lot to the
character. Draw it or write about it,making sure to include an explanation of why you designed the room as you did.[30]
i. A character alphabet - Choose a character you liked and then create sentences
based on the alphabet scheme that demonstrate your knowledge of the
j. Write a letter to the author of the book explaining you interest in the book and
be sure to explain what you got out of the book. [35]
k. Character monologues - Select an event in the story that characters have
different views on.Then write up two or three characters’ opinions on the same
event in the form of monologue .[40]
l. Family history - Create the history of the family of one of the main characters in
the novel . What major events affected the family? How were such things as
holidays and birthdays celebrated? What is important to this family? etc[43]
m. Make up a word test for the novel. Think of fifteen words that are essential to
the understanding of the book. Define them in terms ofthe story.[48]
n. Create a childhood for main adult character .Try to figure out the story of his or
her childhood as it shows why he or she is the way he or she is in the novel.[50]