Friday 22 September 2017

Date of submission 31/05/2019

Date of submission 12/07/2018

Date of submission 13/06/18


Date of submission 03/01/18



Date of submission 10/12/17


Date of submission 06/11/17


Date of submission 18/09/17


Date of submission 11/09/17


Thursday 21 September 2017

Chapter: My Elder Brother                                  Topic Letter writing

1.  Write a letter to your friend describing the various activities conducted in your school and also enquiring about the activities organized in their school.
2.  Write the comparative and superlative forms of ten words.

Comparative form
Superlative form
Eg: tall

3.  Fill in the blanks using for/since.
1.     Mr. Lal has been living in Delhi …………. 2005.
2.     Ravi was the captain of the school cricket team …………….. 2 years.
3.     Neha has been learning German ……………………. 10 months.
4.      I have been taking part in painting competitions …………. 4 years.

5.     My grandmother is under treatment ………………..2012.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

          गृहकार्य १६  -" टेलीविज़न  के  लाभ और हानि।" - पाँच - छे  वाक्य  लिखो। 

           गृहकार्य १७  - पाठ  -९  - नए  शब्द - (माँ  की बेबसी ) तीन बार लिखो।

          गृहकार्य १८   - डायरी लेखन  - अपनी डायरी  से एक पन्ना  लिखो ।

   वर्ष  ऋतु  पर कविता लिखने  और सम्बंधित  चित्र  बनाओ। 

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Submission Date : 19/09/2017

पाठशाला मेँ और घर मेँ तुम्हेँ क्या क्या करने के लिए कहा जाता है और क्या-क्या करने के लिए  मना किया जाता है

मत करो

Monday 18 September 2017

Topic:  seeds and seeds
Give a short note on pitcher plant

Topic:  seeds and seeds
Activity to prove the conditions needed for germination. Write observations in your note book.

Topic:  Every drop counts
Draw picture of rain water harvesting.

Topic:  Every drop counts
Write slogans on “Save Water

Topic:  Experiments with water
Activity:  Making of salt from salt water by evaporation. Write observations in your note book.

Topic: Experiments with water
Write a short note on Dandi march.

Topic:  A treat for Mosquitoes
Draw any 5 mosquito repellents and name them. 


            Write a poem on rainy day. Draw pictures that go with your poem.
              TOPIC:     FROM HERE TO THERE
1.     Tick the correct answer :
a)     The fastest means of transport is
Train                       Aeroplane
         b)We travel to a far-off place by
     Train                        bicycle
2.     Fill in the blanks :
a)     _____________ is used for carrying fruits and vegetables by the vegetable or fruit-sellers.
b)    A train runs on _______________ .
c)     ________________ is used to carry patients.
d)    Fire-men use _________ to put off fire.
3.     Draw two-wheeled vehicles (any two)
4.     Name any two vehicles which run without wheels.

1.     Name 4 food –items which you eat without cooking:
a)__________________                  b)__________________
c)__________________                  d) _________________

2.     Multiple Choice Questions:
a)     In villages people use:
Stove                        Chulla
Oven                         Microwave
b)    Cakes and pastries are baked in :
Tandoor roti                           oven
Rice                                        chulla
c)     An example of liquid fuel is:
Kerosene                   coal
               Cowdung  cakes       electricity
     3.Match the following :
         Pressure cooker                           Iron
         Sauce pan                                   Stainless steel
          Tawa                                         Aluminium
          Frying pan                                 Iron & Aluminium
1.     Draw any two utensils with wooden handles:


Prepare a write up about your train journey.

Write a paragraph about your pet animal and regarding care for animals . Draw or paste the picture of your pet animal. 


a) 65 – 23   =
b) 789 – 625 =
c) 999 – 296 =
d) 245 – 101 =

2) In a cricket match , Sri Lanka made 235 runs . India
has made 123 runs . How many more runs does
India need to run ?
           DATE OF SUBMISSION – 19 /9/ 17

          1) Draw a circle of radius
a)  2.5 cm
b) 4 cm
c)   5 cm

         2) Draw concentric circles with radii
a)  3 cm
b) 4 cm
c)   5 cm


Wednesday 13 September 2017



1. How did Anne Sullivan make a change in Helen’s life?

2. Helen was accused of plagiarism after writing the story ‘ The frost king’. Describe the incident and explain the effects of the incident in Helen’s life.

THE STORY OF MY LIFE  Write short descriptions on the following topics.
1] Helen's life before the arrival of Anne Sullivan
2] Helen's relationship with nature

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Submission date-18-09-2017

1. Make a list of ten materials used to construct your house.

2. Collect and stick pictures of any 5 types of houses.

3. Visit a construction site and write a report on it.