Saturday 31 December 2016



 1. You are given an iron strip. How will you make it into a magnet?

 2.Column I shows different positions in which one pole of a magnet is placed near that of the other. Column II indicates the resulting Acids
Column IColumn II
   N-___________   Attraction
S-N ____________

 3. A magnet was brought from different directions towards a toy boat that has been floating in water in a tub. Affect observed in each case is stated in
Column I. Possible reasons for the observed affects are mentioned in
Column II. Match the statements given in Column I with those in Column II.

Column IColumn II
Boat gets attracted towards the magnetBoat is fitted with a magnet with north pole towards its head
Boat is not affected by the magnetBoat is fitted with a magnet with South pole towards its head.
Boat moves towards the magnet if North pole of the magnet is brought near its head.Boat has a small magnet fixed along its length.
Boat moves away from the magnet when North pole is brought near its head.Boat is made of magnetic material.
Boat floats without changing its direction.Boat is made up of non-magnetic material



4.Q1: What is magnet?

Q2: Magnetite is a natural magnet. (TRUE/FALSE)

Q3: Artificial magnets are made in different shapes. Give some examples.

Q4: Magnetite contains __________.

Q5: What are magnetic materials?
Q6: What are non-magnetic materials?

Q7: Give two examples each of magnetic and non magnetic material.

Q8: Plastic is a __________material.(magnetic/non-magnetic)

Q9: A magnet has _______poles.

Q10: Magnet was first discovered in Greece. Is the statement true?

Q1: Rag pickers always suffer from diseases why?

Q2: Why earthworm’s are called farmer friend?
Q3: Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the red worms?

Q4: Do you saw any anyother organism other than earthworm in a compost pit?

Q5: Garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government? do you agree with the statement?

Q6: what do you do with the left over food at home?

Q7: If you and your friend are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at a party, which one would you prefer and why?

Q8: How will you make a vermicomposting pit?

Q9: Describe steps involved in recycling a paper.

Q10: Enlist all plastic items that we use in our daily life.

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