Monday 10 July 2017


 Submission date: 01.08.17

Q-1      What is meant by Freedom?. Is  there any relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation ?
Q-2         What is the role of the state in upholding the freedom of its citizens?
Q-3         Explain the concept-freedom of expression as given by J.S Mill in his book ‘On Liberty’?
Q-4         Explain  Gandhian  concept ‘Swaraj’. 
Q-5         Write a brief life sketch of Nelson Mandela.
Q-6         Give  a brief life sketch of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Submission date: 19.07.17

Q-1      Define ‘Election’.
Q-2         How FPTP is different from PR system?
Q-3         What is the problem in PR system?
Q-4         Why did FPTP was introduced in India? 
Q-5         Why were reservations introduced in the political system?
Q-6         Differentiate between separate electorate and  system of reserved  constituencies .      

  Submission date               : 12.07.17


Q-1         What is the difference between ordinary rights and fundamental rights?
Q-2         What is the meaning of right to equality in our constitution? 
Q-3         What is right to life and personal liberty ?
Q-4         What are the Rights of the accused?
Q-5         Is there any other mechanisms for addressing our constitutional remedies?
Q-6         What is Bill of Rights?

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